Horseman Special in the cowboy capital of the world! Custom 2 bed 2 bath 1086 square feet barndo with a drive thru breezeway connected to a 4 stall horse barn with covered turnouts, automatic waterers, tack room, feed room and a storage room. Enjoy the spacious wrap around porch, fenced yard for the dogs and 14 (AG Exempt) acres includes 7 different traps with automatic waterers, 3 loafing sheds, 2 ponds, a pipe arena, 25 x 30 insulated shop and a 36 x 24 implement barn. The 150 x 250 arena includes a remote controlled chute help roping chute (not in pictures), return alley, and covered cattle pen with waterers. Extra detail was put into the barndo with custom cabinets, countertops, doors and bathrooms and a 30 amp plug with sewer drain to plug in and stay in the breezeway. If bad weather strikes, a 22 kw generac propane ran generator will keep the place going. Perfect for the couple wanting to downsize, the seasonal resident, or the rodeo college kid attending one of the many schools within driving distance. All appliances and the 250 gallon propane tank convey, so this place will be move in ready. Come take a look! This one won’t last long!
Residential For sale
885 County Road 422, Stephenville, Texas 76401

- Pam Matlock
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- 469-269-0PAM